Sunday, April 4, 2010

unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

Is ti possible having at a book all crosses unresolved just because of file renamig??

it's hard to understand the philosophy of resolving crosses, any knowledge would be welcome

unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

Renaming the files in a book, FROM OUTSIDE FrameMaker, can cause the cross-references to be unresolved.

If you want to rename a file in a book, then select the file IN THE BOOK FILE, wait a little bit, and click the file's name. The name becomes editable. Edit the name and click off of it. FrameMaker will warn you that it is going to resolve all the cross-references because of the name change. Repeat for each file whose name you want to change.

unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

Cross-references and text insets are links between two different places. An important part of defining the location of each place is the file name. If you change one of those filenames, FrameMaker can no longer resolve the link.

Using the methodolody that Van outlines, you can safely rename files. This is because FrameMaker watches what you do and automatically makes the necessary updates within the book. If you make changes outside of FrameMaker, though, it has no knowledge of the changes and simply cannot resolve the original links in the future.


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