Sunday, April 4, 2010

[JS][CS3] Insertion Point

HI All

I need to get a hold of an insertion point between 2 characters and add some negative kerning to the characters either side.

I have tried:

myInsertion = myPara.characters[-3].insertionPoints;[JS][CS3] Insertion Point

myInsertion = myPara.insertionPoints[-3];



[JS][CS3] Insertion Point

This will set the kerning on each side of that character to a specific value:

myPara.characters[-3].insertionPoints.everyItem().kerningValue = -25;

If you want to use different values, then:

myPara.characters[-3].insertionPoints[0].kerningValue = leftKern;

myPara.characters[-3].insertionPoints[1].kerningValue = rightKern;

where leftKern and rightKern hold the values you want.


Cheers Dave, once again a top and fast answer.

Works a treat!



RDS Connection for Postgres ''Datasource...


I tried to use PostgreSql 8.4 with Fiber.

But my RDS Connection gives always the error

''Datasource not found:java:/comp/env/jdbc/testdb1''

The Server is up and running and I can see the table in Navicat, but I can not access it from RDS/Fiber.

I used the following string:

%26lt;Resource name=''jdbc/testdb1'' type=''javax.sql.DataSource''
?maxIdle=''10'' maxWait=''10000''
?username=''postgres'' password=''mypass'' maxActive=''10''/%26gt;

And driver


in tomcat/lib/

What is wrong with it?

Thanks for any pointers!


Martin Zach

RDS Connection for Postgres ''Datasource...



I found the problem by myself:

It works with


(3 instead of 4)

Hope this will help someone!


RDS Connection for Postgres ''Datasource...

Thanks for the update Martin.?I am glad things are now working for you.

So, to summarize your connections problems it was that you were originally using the PostgreSQL version 4 JDBC driver. The version 4 driver did not connect.?Changing to the version 3 driver did connect and work.

Others should note we are talking about the JDBC API versions and not about JDBC Type 3 versus Type 4 drivers.


Unable to open starter edition 3.2

Please, can anyone help. Today I have been unable to access the images. The Library opens and I can see the images but when I click on one, the registration box opens and fatal error messages appear. I tried registering but this failed. Tried getting an unlocking code and then found 3.2 is no longer available and the I have missed the date for getting a code.?How do I get access to the images in order to move them to another program ???

P{lease help !!!!!!!

  • eye color
  • TCS2 with PhotoShop 64-bit and Captivate

    I don't understand the logic. I bought TCS2 with PhotoShop CS4 64-bit (along with all the other stuff). I run on an XP Pro 64-bit OS through VMware. Why did Adobe bundle these applications together when Captivate cannot run under 64-bit? I keep crashing and dumping at critical times. And yet, I use/need PhotoShop 64-bit.

    I understand now that Captivate is not advertised as working under 64-bit. So why did they include them in the same package? From the simpleton's view, one with the other implies that they run on the same platform.

    A little miffed.

    Shoshana Kleiman

    TCS2 with PhotoShop 64-bit and Captivate

    Just a question: did you install the update released end of May for Captivate 4? It resolves quite a lot of issues.


    TCS2 with PhotoShop 64-bit and Captivate

    I fully agree. It's such a strange thing to include Captivate in a bundle with 64-bit programs when Captivate doesn't work on a 64-bit system.

    As Lilybiri wrote the update will fix some issues, but not all. I am still not able to use Captivate 4 properly on my Vista 64-bit system. I can't record properly, I can't open projects with audio in many cases etc.

    Another thing that annoys me is that Adobe didn't post information about this on the Captivate 4 system requirement page. It just says it's ''certified for 32-bit editions'', but not specifically that ''The product will not work on 64-bit editions''. I use many programs that are only certified for 32-bit but works perfectly on my 64-bit system. Actually in the 2闄?years I have been using my Vista 64-bit system I have only encountered one program that doesn't work and that's Captivate 4..


    Visit my Captivate blog with tips %26amp; tricks, tutorials and Widgets.

    Style sheeps and the drop caps

    Here it is :

    I would like to be able to create a style sheet that enables me to have the first letter in my text bloc to be a a drop cap of a different font, size, kerning and colour than the rest of the text in the bloc (see pic hereunder). What I don't want is for this to be applied to anything other than the first letter in the bloc, irrrespective of how many paragraphs there are in the bloc. In other words I do not want this style to be applied to the first letter of each successive paragraph in my bloc.

    Simple question, but I'll be damned if I can do it.

    Any light shed would be most helpful.


    Style sheeps and the drop caps

    Firstly create a new Character Style with the font, colour etc. that you want to use.

    When you Edit your Paragraph Style go to the Drop Caps section of the dialog box.

    Set your drop caps the amount of lines and characters and choose the character style that you just created.

    Style sheeps and the drop caps

    You have to create a specific paragraph style with a drop cap and another for the rest of your text.

    You can based the first one (with the drop cap) on the second. So if you make any changes in the second they will also affect the first pargarph style. So no big deal.

    Also use caracter style for your drop cap.

    You can use also the feature ''next style'': in the paragraph style with the drop cap choose the name of the second in the ''next style'' pop-up.

    If you select all your text and make a right-click you can choose to ''apply this paragraph style and next''. In one click you will format all your text閳?/p>

    Thanks guys, let me play around %26amp; see what happens. I'll be right back with the verdict.

    Perfect reply, detailed, to the point, and 100% accurate.

    I'd been faffing with this for too long.


    PSE 7.0 Effekte werden nicht angezeigt

    Hallo zusammen,

    nach der Installation von PSE 7.0 wird bei den Effekten nichts angezeigt.

    Das gilt f鐪塺 alle dort zu zeigenden Effekte.





    Programm ist mehrfach neu Installiert worden ohne Erfolg.

    Hat jemand eine Idee woran es liegen kann.

    Besten Dank im Voraus.


    PSE 7.0 Effekte werden nicht angezeigt

    Liegts evtl. an dem zu bearbeitenden Bild?

    Wenn du im PS z.b. CMYK-Bilder oder Bilder mit indizierten Farben bearbeitest sind deine Filterm鏋歡lichkeiten auch eingeschr鐩瞡kt.

    Versuch mal das Bild auf RBG umzustellen.

    Ansonsten, was hast denn alles gemacht und wann funktioniert was nicht?



    PSE 7.0 Effekte werden nicht angezeigt

    Danke Christoph f鐪塺 die schnelle R鐪塩kantwort.

    Bilder sind auf RGB Farben eingestellt. Effekte werden trotzdem nicht angezeigt.

    Wenn kein Bild geladen ist m鐪塻sten die Effekte aber auch zu sehen sein, so war es zumindest bei einem Bekannten.

    Kann man die Effekte irgendwie laden?

    oder noch einen anderen Tipp



    Wenn du einen Mac hast k鏋歯nte das hier helfen...



    leider nicht.

    Besten Dank f鐪塺 die Tips.

    Eventuell hat ja noch jemand eine Idee f鐪塺 das Problem.




    schau mal oben in die Menueleiste '' Fenster '' und mach dort jeweils einen Hacken, dann sollte alles zu sehen sein.


    Hallo Peter,

    Danke f鐪塺 dein Tip, der Haken ist gesetzt gewesen.

    Auch nach entfernen und setzen des Hakens hat sich leider nichts ge鐩瞡dert.



    kann es sein das die Filte u. Effekte nicht instaliert sind / oder in einem falschen Ordner gelandet sind ?

    hier mal ein Link mit Grants Tools. Dort siehst du auch die Ordner wo die ganzen Sachen abgelegt sind.

    ( Bitte Versionsunterschiede von PS beachten )

    ggf. findest du nun die L鏋歴ung. Ansonsten kann ich dir auch nicht weiterhelfen.

    鑴篵rigens: ich habe mir Grants tools instaliert und funktioniern bestens.


    Hallo Peter,

    danke f鐪塺 Deine Nachricht.

    Ich habe PSE7.0 normal installiert, da m鐪塻sten doch die Filter u. Effekte dabei sein.

    Wo diese installiert sind weis ich leider nicht und wie die einzelnen Dateien hei鑴絜n auch nicht.

    Da k鏋歯nte ich ja dann nach suchen lassen.

    Dein Link ist leider nicht sichtbar oder wurde von Adobe geblockt.

    Nach Grants Tools muss ich mal Goggeln. Danke f鐪塺 den Tipp.

    Meine Struktur sieht so aus.


    Schau mal in C:\Programme\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 7\Presets\Effects

    ob dort die Datei Filter Gallery.8bf enthalten ist. Im Ordner Filter sollten auch einige Dateien enthalten sein die die Endung 8bf haben.

    Wenn nicht dann sind die Effekte nicht instaliert worden oder fehlen ganz.

    Mehr kann ich dir dann leider auch nicht mehr helfen.


    Bei mir ist der Ordner Effects mit der Datei Filter Gallery.8bf im Verzeichnis

    C:\Programme\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 7.0\Plug-Ins

    Habe den Ordner mal in Ordner Efects kopiert, wird aber leider immer noch nichts angezeigt.

    Die Datei Filter Gallery.8bf hat 鐪塨rigens eine Gr鏋氳劷e von 3.456 KB.

    Der Ordner Filters mit 29 Dateien ist bei mir auch in

    C:\Programme\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 7.0\Plug-Ins

    Habe den Ordner auch mal in Ordner Efects kopiert, wird aber leider auch nichts angezeigt nach dem Programmstart von PSE7.0

    Im Verzeichnis Presets habe ich jetzt folgende Ordner

    Und im Ordner Plug-Ins folgende

    Der Ordner Grants tools habe ich gestern eingef鐪塯t, habe aber da nur eine ''6er'' Version gefunden und die Installation war auch nicht eindeutig.

    Daher wird auch von der Erweiterung nichts angezeigt.


    I need Photoshop 7 or later for my...

    I am a Senior Citizen from the UK and I spend a lot of time fundraising for a Deaf/Blind/Rubella Children's Charity.

    I recently bought a web graphics package which basically needs the Photoshop v7 or later package, to customise the graphics.

    I was told that because it was so old and out of date, that I could get Photoshop 7 for free.

    I have since found that is not the case and the price of even version 7, is beyond my reach.

    I wonder if there might be anybody who has upgraded to the later versions,

    who might have a version 7 or later copy, that they could donate to me?

    In return, I could offer a New Product on two discs, that provides over 25,000 Window Truetype Fonts?

    I also have a lot of Information products - reports, ebooks, software etc. and I could also give you some as well?

    Alternatively, does anyone know of a lower cost product, that will do the same job please?

    I need Photoshop 7 or later for my...

    corsair99 wrote:

    I wonder if there might be anybody who has upgraded to the later versions,

    who might have a version 7 or later copy, that they could donate to me?

    unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

    Is ti possible having at a book all crosses unresolved just because of file renamig??

    it's hard to understand the philosophy of resolving crosses, any knowledge would be welcome

    unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

    Renaming the files in a book, FROM OUTSIDE FrameMaker, can cause the cross-references to be unresolved.

    If you want to rename a file in a book, then select the file IN THE BOOK FILE, wait a little bit, and click the file's name. The name becomes editable. Edit the name and click off of it. FrameMaker will warn you that it is going to resolve all the cross-references because of the name change. Repeat for each file whose name you want to change.

    unresolved cross reference - unresolved...

    Cross-references and text insets are links between two different places. An important part of defining the location of each place is the file name. If you change one of those filenames, FrameMaker can no longer resolve the link.

    Using the methodolody that Van outlines, you can safely rename files. This is because FrameMaker watches what you do and automatically makes the necessary updates within the book. If you make changes outside of FrameMaker, though, it has no knowledge of the changes and simply cannot resolve the original links in the future.


    how to get selection text in indesign...

    Hi to all,

    i need to get selection content text in indesign using C#

    pls help me

    Thank you


    how to get selection text in indesign...

    The same as in the other scripting languages:

    alert (app.selection[0].contents);

    Thank youhow to get selection text in indesign...

    Hi Jongware,

    This is not correct in C# you have type cast all the object to another Object and then only we can access it in required format

    for example

    if want to get font in active Document

    InDesign.Application myInDesign=?(InDesign.Application) COMCreateObject(''InDesign.Application'');

    InDesign myDocument = (InDesign.Document)myInDesign.ActiveDocument;

    InDesign.ParagraphStyles pStyles = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyles

    InDesign.ParagraphStyle pSteyls = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyle

    for(int i =0;i%26lt;pStyles.Count;i++)


    pStyle = (InDesign.ParagraphStyle)myDocument.ParagraphStyles[i];


    public static object COMCreateObject (string sProgID)
    ?// We get the type using just the ProgID
    ?Type oType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID (sProgID);
    ?if (oType != null)
    ?return Activator.CreateInstance( oType);
    ?return null;

    like above content

    for selection content u have to type cast selection object.

    InDesign.Selection = (InDesign.Selection).myDocument.Selection;


    but it showing error....

    like this you have to type cast all things in C# and you cannot simply get selection contents like app.selection[0].contents

    pls help me

    Thank you for your reply....

    R. Thangaraj

    O-kay. Seems a lot of stuff happens behind javascript's back.

    Why would Writeline fail? You say it 'gives an error' but you don't say what error. I would guess this: ''selection'' is an untyped object in ID, because it can return all kinds of objects. In this particular case, you get a return value but you have to manually cast it to the type you would expect [*] -- in this case 'text'. An additional problem may be that it's probably Unicode (wide) text, and -- as documented -- if you select just one special character, it's not text at all but a long integer code for that special character.

    [*] That's quite the opposite of what happens with JS, but I think it's the case here.

    Hi to all,

    I tried in Vb6 to get Indesign Com object and its working

    You can get selection content like this

    and you convert this code for C#

    Dim Appl As InDesign.Application

    Dim sel As Variant

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error GoTo Err1:

    Set Appl = CreateObject(''InDesign.Application.CS3'')
    Set sel = Appl.Selection(1) 'selection variable should be a variant
    MsgBox (sel.AppliedFont)
    MsgBox Err.Number %26amp; '' '' %26amp; Err.Description

    End Sub

  • eye color
  • Open pdf problem

    Server config : windows server 2003 , iis 6.0

    When the client (use IE 7.0)?download a pdf file?some error occur :

    If the pdf file size smaller than 500KB , it can open through the IE .

    If the pdf file size larger than 500KB , it can not open through the IE . The IE load very very long time and then the screen became white.

    However , if choose save the target , it can save the file in my PC and the file( larger than 500KB ) can open.

    Another method to open the file , change the pdf preferences. Set do noth open the pdf through the IE.

    What happen?? I don't know how to trouble shoot it.


    *p.s. Someone teach me use other pdf reader open the file through IE , it was success.

    ?What different between the pdf reader software.

    bookmarks for languages with special...


    Is there any easier way to develop bookmarks?at acrobat for languages with special characters??

    so far i have to use touch up text tool and copy paste every heading so that characters appear correct...

    It would be really helpful!!!

    [svn:osmf:] 10261: Fix for bug FM-69.

    Revision: 10261


    Date: 2009-09-15 02:51:15 -0700 (Tue, 15 Sep 2009)

    Log Message:


    Fix for bug FM-69.

    Ticket Links:


    Modified Paths:


    osmf/trunk/apps/samples/framework/ExamplePlayer/org/openvideoplayer/examples/ch romeless/

    Progressbar for DataGrid


    I've got an air application with a datagrid, the information thats goes in the datagrid comes from an xml.

    Sometimes it takes a while to load the information, but it doesn't tell you that the information is loading.

    Now what I need is an progressbar for the datagrid, it needs to tell you that the data is loading and how much time is left (or % ).

    The progressbar is already in place. I can't find the right answer, hopefully you can help me.

    I'm getting the information with the HttpService and an XML (php) file on my server.

    Progressbar for DataGrid

    It depends on where the time is being spent. If the XML is coming from a server, there should be progress events available. If the XML is on the local disk, it might get loaded in one gulp and the parsing of the XML is where you're spending time. It is much harder to show progress there. See the pseudo-threading post on my blog.

    Alex Harui

    Flex SDK Developer

    Adobe Systems Inc.


    PDF Form in Particular Font 2

    I need to create a PDF-form with a particular font. I already embedded the font when exporting from InDesign and set the ''Subset fonts...'' to 0% as advised to in this link:

    However when I try to choose the specific font (Melior), I get this error-message:

    ''The selected font has a custom encoding and cannot be embedded ind the PDF-file because of licensing restrictions. (...)

    To avoid this situation, use a font that can be embedded in the PDF file, a font that does not have a custom encoding or a font that is known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed.''

    What can I do?

    Thanks for your help!


    Populate flex tree control on demand...

    First, I am sorry if the same post is already posted here but after spending 30 minutes or may be more I could not find the solution.

    By the way I have two problems. 1.) I am new to flex which I know if my own problem and soon I will handle it.

    2.) This is major problem for me. I have to populate Tree control from database and I used HTTPService to get the data from database.

    I created a object of HTTPService and on load of Tree control I am calling a function which calls the HTTP URL and returns me the first level of node for my Tree.

    When I click on any node a function is called again using HTTPService and result is appended to the currently selected node. The same goes until n level and it works fine. I was happy with my results. I am stuck in new problem. The problem is if the tree is already populated on my browser and I make some add/update/delete any node or child node, the flex doesn't make a call to HTTP URL and I am not getting updated data.

    The mxml code is below (this code has some extra things too).

    %26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;
    %26lt;mx:Application xmlns:mx=''''
    layout=''vertical''?backgroundGradientAlphas=''[1.0, 1.0]''
    backgroundGradientColors=''[#000000, #868686]'' %26gt;
    import mx.utils.StringUtil;
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
    import mx.utils.ObjectProxy;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;

    public var datalist:XMLListCollection = new XMLListCollection();

    public var xmlFromDatabase:HTTPService=new HTTPService();

    private var xmlForChildren:HTTPService;

    private function resultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    var x:XML = event.result as XML;?
    var xl:XMLList = XMLList( x );

    private function faultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void

    private function display():void
    ?var params:Object = {};
    ?params[''parent''] = ''0'';

    ?xmlFromDatabase.url = ''http://localhost:8080/GrailsFlex/department/tree'';
    ?xmlFromDatabase.method = ''GET'';
    ?xmlFromDatabase.resultFormat = ''e4x'';
    ?xmlFromDatabase.useProxy = false;

    private function displyTree(event:ResultEvent):void
    ?XMLtree1.dataProvider =?event.result;
    ?XMLtree1.labelField = ''@name'';

    private function getChilds(event:ListEvent):void
    var xmlTree:Tree = event.currentTarget as Tree;

    var node:XML = xmlTree.selectedItem as XML

    var params:Object = {};

    params[''parent''] = node.@id;
    xmlForChildren = new HTTPService();
    xmlForChildren.url = ''http://localhost:8080/GrailsFlex/department/tree'';

    xmlForChildren.method = ''GET'';
    xmlForChildren.resultFormat = ''e4x'';
    xmlForChildren.useProxy = false;

    ?catch (E:Error)
    ?{''getChilds Error:-- '' + E.message);

    private function deleteTreeNode(xmlItem:XML):void
    ?var xmlParent:XML = XML(xmlItem).parent();
    ?if (xmlParent.@parent == null || StringUtil.trim(xmlParent.@parent) == '''')
    xmlParent.@parent = ''0'';
    ?if (xmlParent.@parent != ''0'')
    //Recursive call until I get reach to children of root node
    // Now I am at root.
    var xmlRoot:XML = XML(xmlParent).parent();

    var bActualRoot:Boolean = false;

    if (xmlRoot == null)
    ?xmlRoot = xmlParent;
    ?bActualRoot = true;

    if (bActualRoot)
    ?if (xmlRoot.@parent == ''0'')
    ?for each (var xl:XML in xmlParent.children())
    if (xl.@name != xmlItem.@name)
    ?for (var cn:int=xl.children().length()-1; cn %26gt;=0; cn--)
    delete xl.children()[cn];
    catch (ex:Error)
    ?''error Real Root: '' + ex.toString());
    ?for each (var nodexm:XML in xmlRoot.children() )
    if (nodexm.@name != xmlParent.@name )
    for (var cu:int=nodexm.children().length()-1; cu %26gt;=0; cu--)
    ?delete nodexm.children()[cu];
    ?catch (ex:Error)
    ?{''error No Real Root: '' + ex.toString());



    private function appendChild(event:ResultEvent):void
    ?var node:XML = event.result as XML
    ?var sItem: XML = XMLtree1.selectedItem as XML;
    ?if (sItem.children().length() %26gt; 0)
    delete sItem.children();
    ?for(var i:int=0; i %26lt; node.children().length(); i++)
    ?var item:XML = node.children()[i];


    %26lt;mx:Tree id=''XMLtree1'' width=''350'' height=''470''
    ?showRoot=''false'' creationComplete=''display()'' itemClick=''getChilds(event)''?/%26gt;


    Thanks in advance

    Populate flex tree control on demand...

    Looks like nobody knows how to do it.

    Populate flex tree control on demand...

    I am also interested in this solution.?I'm trying to accomplish something a little different, but any insight into your solution should help me with mine. I'm trying to populate a tree via webservice.?For me the backend is standard SOAP WebService implemented in ASP.NET.?I suspect my problem has something to do with mapping the datastructure I am returning to that of the tree, but I am at a loss for how right now.?Anyway, I hope you do get an answer to yours.?Sorry I couldn't help.

    -- Matthew

    try this

    %26lt;mx:Tree id=''XMLtree1'' width=''350'' height=''470''
    ?showRoot=''false'' change=''display()'' itemClick=''getChilds(event)''?/%26gt;

    this should work when you add or delete a node.

    also, make sure to populate the tree at the first time.

    Thanks buddy for the answer.

    Unfortunately the answer came after quite long time of posting the message. Anyway I was able to open a tree on demand using HttpService and due to my new requirement I changed it to RemoteObject.

    I my latest change I am able to populate tree nodes on demand and also the same solution if getting update from server via JMS using Consumer object.

    I kind a like this solution because it took me good amount of effort to find the right solution.

    If any one is intersted the he/she can reply to the post and I can provide code here or may at some location so that it can be easily downloaded.

    The solution is Flex-Grails combination.

    Thanks everybody.

    Text disappearing in tagged PDFs

    I recently upgraded to Acrobat Professional 9. When creating PDFs via ''Convert to Adobe PDF'' in Word with tagging enabled,?I'm sometimes seeing text disappear in the conversion process so that whole lines are missing from the PDF.

    Using the print dialog to print to PDF works fine and does not result in missing text. However I need tagged PDFs to meet high accessibility requirements, so should be converting from Word. Has anyone else encountered this problem? The version of Word I'm using is 2003.

    Text disappearing in tagged PDFs

    Usually when this happens it is related to the printer reflow that WORD does. There is a setting in WORD to select to not use the printer metrics for sending information to the printer. The other solution relates to selecting the Adobe PDF printer before you finish your layout, but you have already said the printer works fine.

  • skin
  • request assistance - unwanted embedded...

    Hi there.

    So I have a flash intro, which shows as I want it to in Firefox and the flash player in the center of the screen. However, in internet explorer, it shows up with ugly scrollbars (not the browser scrollbars...scrollbars within the embedded object region). How do I get rid of these without messing up appearance in the other browsers. For reference, I am using Yahoo Site Builder, which I know is a big no no, but it's where my ability is at right now. Below is the code. I am sure it is messy, but please let me know if there any major problems with it and how to fix this. Thanks.

    html xmlns='''' xml:lang=''en'' lang=''en''%26gt;
    %26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'' /%26gt; %26lt;meta http-equiv=''refresh'' content=''32;url=''%26gt;
    %26lt;body bgcolor=''#000000'' align=''center'' MARGINHEIGHT=''0'' MARGINWIDTH=''0'' TOPMARGIN=''0'' LEFTMARGIN=''0'' RIGHTMARGIN=''0'' BOTTOMMARGIN=''0'' SCROLL=''NO''%26gt;
    %26lt;!--url's used in the movie--%26gt;
    %26lt;!--text used in the movie--%26gt;

    %26lt;!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet --%26gt;
    %26lt;center%26gt;%26lt;object classid=''clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'' codebase='', 0,0,0'' width=''1100'' height=''800'' id=''myflashmovie'' align=''center''%26gt;
    %26lt;param name=''allowScriptAccess'' value=''sameDomain'' /%26gt;
    %26lt;param name=''movie'' value=''myflashmovie.swf'' /%26gt;%26lt;param name=''quality'' value=''high'' /%26gt;%26lt;param name=''bgcolor'' value=''#000000'' /%26gt;%26lt;embed src=''myflashmovie.swf'' quality=''high'' bgcolor=''#000000'' width=''1100'' height=''800'' name=''myflashmovie'' align=''center'' allowScriptAccess=''sameDomain'' type=''application/x-shockwave-flash'' pluginspage='''' /%26gt;

    Why can 2 users open same Illustrator...


    We have design files which are used between different departments and have come across a problem where 2 people can open and ammend the same file without any type of warning dialog or box saying '' User X is currently working in this document''

    In previous programs (before migrating to Illustrator this season) there has always been some kind of warning box. Illustrator will only show a dialog after both people have ammended a file and they come to save the file. The dialog then tells the person who opened the file the latest that the file has been ammended since opening leaving one person with work they cannot use

    Can anyone suggest a way around this problem or software to track open docs etc?



    Why can 2 users open same Illustrator...

    Copy the file locally and work that way but I think that version cue is the answer to your problem.

    Why can 2 users open same Illustrator...

    Sounds more like a misconfiguration in your network environment, possibly those two users logging on with the same credentials and thus sharing teh same permissions....


    Advanced Action/Script, 360 spin.

    Hey, I have a problem that maybe some of you know the answer to.

    I have 150 products+ and making a 360 spin with 10 images for each product (ca. 1500 images).

    The 150 products doesnt have the same size which makes this a pain. I have really been trying to get this working.

    and figured that it must be a easier way. I am trying to make a action, to automate this.

    All images is transparent TIFFs.

    So what I have been trying to do is to import all files in a folder put them all into one file. Then trim the image when I have them all in there. Resizing the canvas to the size I need. then save out layers to files. Then have another action to take the files, add a background to each and then save it out again.

    My question:

    Is there any way to automate this, I have all spins in folders with product names, in each folder sits the 10 different angles.

    So can I make a action/script to open up a folder, take all the files into on file, trim it, resize canvas, ideally add a background image for each layer and save them out as JPG. Is it possible this could be saved out in the same structure as I have the original files?

    At the moment I am doing the saving and importing step automaticly, and there must be a easier way for this.

    I would be very thankful if anyone could help me solve this mess.

    Thanks in advance


    Flash project audio button help needed


    I am just learning Actionscript 3 and trying to create buttons that turn a previous sound off before they turn a new one on. Also I want a button on the front that turns all sound off if it is pressed. I have attached my files in a zip folder.

    The problem is all of my buttons which are inside movieclips just control the one sound. I have a couple more to do. I understand I will need an if statement but somehow I have to control all sounds and I don't quite get it.

    I would really love someone to point me in the right direction. I cannot find a tutorial anywhere and am going crazy.

    I look forward to someones reply,


  • skin
  • Recenter Book Pages

    I've laid out a 400p book with the text boxes positioned just slightly away from the spine. Now, I need to go back and repostion them dead center. When I change the text box postion in page setup, the boxes are moved without the text inside following suit.

    There must be a way to do this, to have the text move with the boxes throughout the document, but how?



    Recenter Book Pages

    Go to Layout%26gt;Layout Adjustment and turn it on.

    Anything touching the margins will move, so highlight the pages in the Master Pages by shift selecting them.

    Then go to Layout%26gt;Margins and Columns and change the size of your margins. The text frames for all pages using that master page will change in size to match the margins once they are touching the margin already.

    You could also highlight all the pages in the document by highlighting the first one and shift selecting the last page in the pages panel and then change the margin and column sizes.

    When you're done turn off the Layout Adjustment.

    Acrobat pdf file printer

    I recently upgraded from CS3 Web Premium to CS4 Design Premium on my laptop.

    Now I have a netbook at home and want to have the feature of creating a PDF by printing from an application.

    Am I allowed to remove CS3 from the laptop and install the CS3 Acrobat on the netbook? If so, how do I do this? If not, is there another way, apart from purchasing a second copy of Acrobat, to have the above feature on the netbook?

    Thanks in advance.


    Acrobat pdf file printer

    If you read the license agreement (EULA), you should find that you are allowed 2 working copies for your license. They are not supposed to be used at the same time, but are for the type of use you have - desktop and notebook. Why not simply use CS4 on the notebook?

    Acrobat pdf file printer

    Great answer, thank you very much.

    Len. problem with...


    I want to download a file from secure network. But I am not getting the file.

    Even it dosen't give me any error !!

    Any one guide me for this...

    Thanks In Advance

    Bharat Patel

    Write Keyword tag and properties info...