Friday, April 2, 2010

InCopy CS4 crashes frequently - any...

I posted the below on an earlier thread, but thought I would actually create a new one for this problem.


Hi, I am also experiencing crashes with InCopy in Windows. We recently bought the software in my office, having used the free trial to test it on our machines, which worked fine. However since we started using it last week, we have had nothing but trouble.

I'd guess 1 out of 5 times we try to save the file, or check it back in, our InCopy will crash (after we wait a good 20 mins to make sure it's not just taking its time), which means we have to force quit the file. When opening up InCopy again, Ic recovers the file, and when it comes back it is locked to the user, but has a little yellow triangle meaning it is out of date (recognising that it is saved somewhere). When we try to update the file we get the dialog 'This is not a valid InDesign Interchange document' (or words to that effect).

We've tried all three work-flows: using a layout-based workflow; using assignments that are placed on the server with the InDesign documents on the designer's Mac; creating packaged assignments that we then email to each other, eliminating the server being the problem. Each time it will work for a few attempts, and will then crash when we try to save or check it back in, so we force quit and it corrupts etc etc.

We are both running Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3, the processer speed of both our machines is above the recommended spec, and I have 1 GB RAM while my colleague has 2 GB. We are updated to InCopy CS4 6.0.3.

Has anyone else been experiencing this at all?

If any more information is needed please let me know. We're running behind on our production schedule already, and if the problem isn't solved, we're going to have to go back to using print-outs to mark-up changes (which nobody wants). We've tried the recommended troubleshooting - deleting Ic preferences, removing links and then creating new assignments, increasing virtual memory...

We work on directories, and so there is quite a large volume of text being worked on, as well as every line being tagged with XML so it can be exported. Could this be having an effect?

I'd appreciate anyone getting back to me with suggestions please!



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