Friday, March 26, 2010

[svn:fx-trunk] 10250: Added 'direction'...

Revision: 10250


Date: 2009-09-14 17:08:09 -0700 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009)

Log Message:


Added 'direction' and 'locale' styles to (the same place that defines 'textFieldClass') so that an MX component using UITLFTextField as its textFieldClass can also specify the direction and locale of the text.

UITLFTextField uses getStyle() on these styles to set its 'direction' and 'locale' properties.

UITextFormat needs to have new fields to store these properties, just like for 'sharpness', 'thickness'. The determineTextFormatFromStyle() method of UIComponent fills these out based on the styles. The measure() method of UITextFormat then transfers them to the offscreen TLFTextField used for measurement.

Also UIComponent's createInFontContext() method now sets the textLineCreator of the TLFTextField so that it knows which module should create its TextLines (so that they can use a font embedded in that module).

QE notes: None

Doc notes: None

Bugs: SDK-23117

Reviewer: Glenn

Tests run: ant checkintests

Is noteworthy for integration: No

Ticket Links:


Modified Paths:




flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/styles/metadata/TextStyles. as


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