Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why don't my scroll bars work on MSIE 7...

I have been working on a site, and it looks fine on every browser I have for my Mac, I had to do some tweaking for MSIE 8, but anything lower than that is a complete mess.

Why don't the scroll bars work? is it a CSS thing? How do I fix it???

here is the site:

Any help would be appreciated.

Why don't my scroll bars work on MSIE 7...

I viewed the profile page and there are quite a few errors both with the html and the css that certainly need fixing.

HTML:; le.html


Once you fix those errors, see where the page stands, if you still have problems, please post back.

Why don't my scroll bars work on MSIE 7...

Just my $.02. Why use scroll bars at all? You are taking the most important part of the site - the content -?and cramming it into a tiny section of the page and then forcing the user to use scroll bars to read it all. All of the rest of the page real estate is then wasted. Devote more space to the important content and no scroll bars will be needed. And if the user has their viewport set really small, then the browsers scroll bars will take over.

I have made the changes and it passes both validators, but I still

seem to have a problem with MSIE, I have attached a picture of what it

looks like.

Do you have any more thoughts?

Because the layout chosen has backgrounds in behind the text that

don't tile well I am hoping to get this one working.

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