Friday, March 26, 2010

Character Spacing With Justified Text...

I have been running into this problem for a while and could really use some advice.?When I have a large block of text with justified margins, some of the words and characters get all scrunched together.?So much so that it appears to be a single line of text.?I know there is probably some easy and quick way to fix this, and I would really appreciate one of you gurus giving me a hand.?Thank you so much.

Character Spacing With Justified Text...

try this:

highlight your text that you want fixed.?(I actually make ALL my text use this setting, it makes the text look nice, not too loose or too tight.)

go into your paragraph panel%26gt;flyout tab into ''justification''

change your ''maximum'' settings to this:

word spacing: 133%

letter spacing: 105%

glyph spacing: 120%

Keep your ''minimum'' and ''desired'' settings the defaut you already have.

this always works for me.

Give it a try, let me know how it goes.

Character Spacing With Justified Text...

I can think of two possibilities that would cause this. The first is that you have the the minimum word and letter spacing set too low, and the second is that ID is not able to break the line, which can happen with narrow columns and text that is not allowed to hyphenate. Columns are narrow if they have less than 35 characters per line or so.

I personally don't set letter spacing to anything but 0% and never scale glyphs. If you have to mangle the font to get your text to fit, you need to change the font or the weight. Glyph scaling, in particular, can result in heavy or light vertical strokes that look very odd next to the properly weighted horizontals. I also think consistent letterspacing is a better look. Readers are more accepting of varied word spaces than different spacing inside a word from line to line.

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