Friday, March 26, 2010

newb q: Global scale down of entire...

Hi folks, I've been using AE for about 6 months at work and I finally scraped up enough to get my own authentic, licensed version of CS4 (Oh what a feeling, YES!)

I have a newbie question that I hope you can forgive. I've been searching the AE Help, the FAQ, community help and other resources and maybe I'm not using the right terminology, but I just can't find the answer if it exists.

Is there any way to take a 1280 x 720 project file and all of it's objects (jpg's, cameras, lights, etc) down to 320 x 240 (for the web) with one or just a few commands? In other words, is there a way to do it without going into each object and resizing separately?

I exported it at 1280 x 720 as an FLV and brought it into Flash and resized it there, but the file size remained huge (4009kb). I thought if I scaled it down in AE, exported to Flash, the file size would be smaller.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


newb q: Global scale down of entire...

If your FLV is rasterized video, then it's an easy matter of creating a new comp at 320x240, placing the original comp in the new comp and sizing it to fit.

If you specifically need to resize the original comp, however, you can do it with a script.?Go to File/Scripts/Scale Composition.

newb q: Global scale down of entire...

As Andrew said, for just final output, simple nesting and resizing of the comp will do. For actually changing values, use the script mentioned. There's also a beefed up version of it with a few extra features. Should be possible to find via For animated items, you may need to look into expressions to change the ranges.


Andrew, thank you SO MUCH. I had no idea that I could just pull one comp into another. That worked like a charm.

Mylenium, thank you too, I have never ventured into the scripts menu, and at your suggestion, I took a look.


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